What do you do if the COVID-19 scare has shut down your employer and has caused a layoff, or has suddenly left you without income to pay child support or alimony? Or what can you do if you’re the recipient of alimony or child support? You’re probably left needing to figure out how to pay bills and make ends meet without support from your child’s parent or ex-spouse?

An epidemic like this can have far reaching economic consequences and when it comes to family law issues and can stress out both the payer and the payee. A look at the entirety of each parties’ financial situations could be required.

Compromise may also be appropriate, and though you must properly convey the entire agreement to avoid interpretation or enforcement issues later. In these cases, legal counsel is strongly advised.

However, in cases where parents are not able to reconcile their differences and compromise, these parents may need to seek court intervention. This could be in the form of a virtual alternate dispute resolution and it is advised that you seek legal counsel immediately.

You can call Shaffer Family Law in Chandler today at (480) 470-3030 if you have any questions.

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