Parting ways with someone you loved and never thought would leave your side can be brutal. It may take a while for anyone to process everything. Dealing with legal procedures’ emotional and physical stress can overwhelm anyone. It is exhausting as such life-changing events can affect your health. If your ex-spouse has been a narcissist, it makes matters even worse.

Is Your Ex a Narcissist?

A narcissist is an ordinary person, just like any other human. However, personality traits reflect self-centeredness, arrogance, lack of empathy, and no consideration for others’ feelings. They are in love with themselves and are unaware of others’ feelings. They want to be constantly praised and need attention and importance in another person’s life. They may resist changing their behavior and not find any fault within themselves. It can be hard sometimes to see these traits as the person can be delusional and dodge any questions. If you can find out about these traits, finding people in your life with these existing traits becomes a bit easy. Honestly, it can be challenging to follow standard rules when it comes to co-parenting with a narcissist. It can become a nightmare; divorce is tough, and dealing with a narcissist can worsen it.

No co-parenting but parallel parenting

It can be difficult to say co-parenting exists with a narcissists as their own opinions can preoccupy them, and often ignore the needs and demands of their child. This is simply unacceptable as it hampers your child’s overall development. So, rather than co-parenting, it may turn into parallel parenting. We understand it can be the most difficult but make peace with it. However, you have parted ways for reasons and let it be rather than fighting over co-parenting. When the child is at your home, instead of focusing on the overwhelming and stressful stuff, develop confidence and values for their overall development. Being compassionate and mindful of others’ feelings can be important so that inculcating mindfulness habits can help children.

Be the safe parent

A stressful and anxious environment can unease the child’s overall growth. Be the parent where your child learns from a calm and peaceful environment. Children can grow in a stable and loving environment. Show your children that you earn their respect by showing love and care and teaching mindful habits.

Let kids be themselves

Do not intently bring up other parent’s narcissistic behavior. Children grow at different stages and do not understand adult problems, responsibilities, etc. Your focus should be on taking care of your child during developmental stages.

Less communication

Do not increase your stress by interacting with such narcissists. Keep your communication to the point and limit it. You have no reason to react and trouble your state of mind. Always try and avoid conflict; any personal attack, commentary, or comments should be avoided, and try to ignore the narcissist if coming.

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