divorce during covid 19

At Shaffer Family Law, we know you are struggling to cope with everything surrounding COVID-19. Whether you’re an essential worker who has been risking your life every day that you go to work or got laid off because your company had to shut down, we are all out here trying to keep our sanity. We are all learning to navigate a new way of life that involves social distancing.

However, families still need legal help. Many clients wonder how COVID-19 will affect their divorce, and many are wondering if they should do it during the pandemic or wait?

Here is what is happening:

Divorce rates will increase. With social distancing governing day-to-day lives, and with families living 24/7 in close quarters, we will see a significant increase in divorce filings. Historically, divorce rates have increased during worldwide crises, and this will be no different.

  • Filing for divorce now will get you ahead of a court backlog. Simultaneously, to practice social distancing, courts are limiting the number of hearings taking place. Because of these restrictions, there will be a backlog of divorce matters in the queue. If you know you want a divorce in the coming year, now is the time to file. Beating the delay will increase your likelihood of getting divorced in 2020.
  • Filing for divorce now will protect your financial liability. According to Arizona law, your marital community and its associated assets and debts exist from marriage to the date of service of a divorce petition to the other party. What does that mean for you? If you file for divorce now, your liability for your spouse’s financial choices will terminate once they have divorce papers. With the uncertain nature of our economy, filing for divorce may be crucial for protecting you from bad or poor financial behavior and choices of your soon-to-be-ex.

If you are considering or currently going through a divorce, contact the attorneys at Shaffer Family Law by calling our office at (480) 470-3030 to schedule a consultation. We remain fully operational while practicing appropriate social distancing and cleaning regimes.

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