In Arizona, the legal name for divorce is Dissolution of Marriage. The time it takes to divorce or get a dissolution is not standard for all and depends on case to case. First, one must have time to understand if they want a divorce. It is difficult to accept reality as parting ways with someone you’ve loved is challenging. Leaving someone you thought would always be with you can be the hardest. Just like the death of a loved one, it can be emotionally overwhelming and painful for anyone to process the harsh reality. We understand everyone takes their time to realize and understand if things can work out and you are meant to be together. It is the biggest challenge of all and can take a while for anyone; however, for some, it may not be that long and can be very swift and clear as to how to pursue and move on.

No-Fault Divorce State

The first step is always the most difficult and takes soul-searching on whether you want this divorce. To file for a divorce, you or your spouse must have been a state resident for at least 90 days before filing for divorce. The state law requires the party filing to wait 60 days for the other party to respond and then proceed with a divorce. Apart from the divorce, the court has the authority to divide certain property and debts of the spouses and, in some cases, even order a spouse to support the other. Moreover, if children are involved, it includes custody time, parenting time, and child support issues. Only the court can legally end a marriage, and spouses may not agree to the terms.

You might not know, but Arizona is a no-fault divorce state, and you are not required to prove any fault to get a divorce. The only thing that counts is when the spouse states that the marriage can’t be reconciled. Even in the case of children, the court can only make judgments if they have stayed for at least 90 days in the state.

Hire an Attorney

If you hire an attorney, you will be in a better position with legal representation. Also, legal consultation or guidance is necessary to avoid too many challenges. Sometimes, simple situations can suddenly become out of control. If your case is challenging, you must go to trial. In such situations, you may have no choice but to hire an attorney. Besides complications, many other situations can push you to hire a lawyer for guidance and advice.

  • If the opposing party has hired a lawyer
  • When you and the other party can’t agree on many grounds, and likely end up arguing over everything.
  • Both parties have differing views on parenting time, child custody, etc.
  • Division of assets such as family business, cryptocurrency, etc.

It is time to contact Shaffer Family Law for legal guidance. Contact our experienced family attorneys to help get the compensation you deserve. 

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