Divorce is not easy and nowadays, there are a lot of people who readily use social media as an outlet to vent their emotions. Social media is great for staying in touch with family and friends, sharing experiences, and meeting people with similar interests. However, during a divorce, social media can be destructive and risky. This is why you should be careful of what you post on any social media outlet and tone down a few common bad habits.

  • Rantings: Although it may help release from stress to express your emotions to the internet. Though, many people seem to forget that anything they put on the internet is far more lasting than imagined. While may not having any bad intentions, sharing any information about your divorce, whether it is details about your spouse’s unfaithfulness or financial issues, should be avoided. Unfortunately, these types of posts could be used against you as evidence in the divorce – even if you’re no longer connected via social media. Remember, they may still find out what you’re posting through friends, relatives, or other common connections. The best thing to do is not to assume that your social accounts are private.
  • Sharing Your Location: Social media makes it easy for us to keep track of one another. It’s almost a natural instinct nowadays to share a picture of yourself on vacation or “check in” at a fancy restaurant or store on Facebook or Instagram. But, if you are going through any type of legal disagreement, you remember potential consequences. Sharing your location during your divorce could give your ex-spouse the information they need to use against you in court. If your post that you’re in Hawaii or that you’re shopping at Nordstrom, they could use that information as evidence that you don’t need as much alimony as you are asking for. In some cases, it could be used to argue that you don’t have enough time to share equal custody of your children. So, during this time, try to consider how sharing your location could negatively affect you down the road.
  • Images of Alcohol: Sure, posting a photo of you and your friends enjoying glasses of wine may be innocent, but again, it could somehow be used against you in court. Any image you post should be considered potential evidence that could be against you. It could negatively affected the outcome of a custody battle, property division argument, or any other part of your divorce. It is especially important because if you are caught drinking, even just one drink, on a night your children were with you, your ex could use it as evidence that you are an unfit parent. Of course, you can disprove this accusation, but it is better not to risk it. Don’t ever share images or posts about alcohol, drugs, or anything else that could be taken as dangerous or reckless behavior. Be sure to tell those friends or family members who like to tag you photos to avoid doing so.
  • Sharing Divorce Material: In any legal case, family law or otherwise, you should never share legal information with anyone excluding your lawyers. While it is tempting to vent about your frustrations online or with coworkers, or even in your journal, you should avoid sharing anything about your divorce plan, meetings with your lawyer, court appearances and more. If you really need support, be sure that the person you are talking to is a trusted friend or family member, someone you know will not leak information.

Remember, social media posts can and have been used in court as evidence against people. It is important to keep any sensitive information to yourself and especially away from online outlets. It not only affects your life but can also make things a lot more difficult on your children as well. If your kids see or hear you saying hurtful things about their other parent, it could leave them feeling guilt-ridden and unhappy. Instead of chancing this, it’s best just to keep any kind of sensitive information to yourself and check in with your children.